Popular Magazines and Newspapers
Popular journals are:
- Written for a broad audience, or the general public
- Written by journalists
- Are published daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, or other intervals
Top Popular Magazines and Newspapers:
The most common asked for magazines and journals are:
- New York Times
- Wall Street Journal
- The Economist
- Forbes
- Harvard Business Review
- The Atlantic
- The New Yorker
Search For Articles
Access to the above publications are available through our database subscriptions. Search by article title, author name, or keywords. Click on "Read Online" to read the article. Please note that these articles will display on the database platform, they will not appear in the same format as their native subscription websites.

Search by Magazine or Newspaper Title
The easiest way to navigate to a specific magazine or newspaper is to search for the title of publication in the Journal Finder. Please note that these articles will display on the database platform, they will not appear in the same format as their native subscription websites.

New York Times Subscription
All SUNY Maritime students and faculty are eligible for a complimentary New York Times subscription.